HP, one of the largest and leading information technology companies in the world, has a long and proud history. HP was founded in 1939 by two Stanford University students, William Hewlett and David Packard. The company initially started by producing electronic measurement equipment and later expanded to manufacturing various devices such as laboratory instruments, printers, and medical measurement devices. In the 1960s, HP became a pioneer in the computer industry, quickly gaining recognition for producing a diverse range of innovative computing devices. This growth continued with the introduction of other products, including personal computers and servers.
Since then, HP has become one of the largest information technology companies in the world. The company offers a wide range of products and services in areas including hardware, software, IT services, printers, laptops, storage devices, and other related technologies. HP continuously invests in the research and development of new technologies to provide its customers with high-quality and innovative products and services.
Kian Tejarat Azhirak Company, relying on its commercial and technical expertise, proudly stands as one of the largest importers of technology, hardware, and computer products. In its 20 years of operation, it has been the importer and distributor of HP products in the country.



